
Phongsaly Forest Conservation and Integrated Rural Development Project (LAOS)

Project Title



Phongsaly Forest Conservation and Integrated Rural Development Project



The project, located in one of the remotest areas of northern Laos (Phongsaly Province), aims to protect and preserve forest areas currently threatened by undisciplined cultivation and land use practices. The projects approach is to bring about a closer integration of agricultural land management, crop production, the promotion of a more rational use of natural resources and sustainable forest management, along with the development of rural infrastructure such as roads, irrigation systems, storage facilities, etc. At the same time, the project is strengthening local civil institutions at both the provincial and community levels, through the transfer of missing skills to local managers and officials. The technical assistance team provided includes nine long-term specialists, supported by a back-up team of eight, short term senior experts and other specific short term expertise as required.

Donor Agency



Project TA Value


Government of the Republic of Laos

The people of the Phongsaly Province of Northern Laos

mEuro 3.66


Address & Contact info

40, Vatatzi str,

Athens, Greece 


Tel +30 210 7475 950

Email central@vakakis.gr



agriculture development feasibility phil-eco-culture project management