Ex-ante evaluation of the rural development programme 2007-2013.

Project Title



Ex-ante evaluation of the rural development programme 2007-2013.



The project objective was to undertake an ex ante evaluation of the rural development programme 2007-2013 for Cyprus. The evaluation provides an analysis of the underlying strategy and objectives, baseline indicators, quantifiable performance indicators and targets. Results of the evaluation are intended to be used to improve programming of rural development measures for the period 2007-2013.

Specific tasks of the ex ante evaluation include:

Assessment of the programme-related SWOT analysis (assessment of the completeness of the SWOT analysis, analysis of the causes of disparities identified , identification and assessment of the driving forces towards sustainable rural development, contribution to the quantification of context and impact related baseline indicators (common and programme-related) etc.

Assessment of programme targets (assessment of the programme related targets, examination of the intervention logic of measures, from output to result and to impact, assessment of the extent to which the expected result of measures contribute to achieving the targets identified and to the overall objectives both at community and national level, assessment of the internal coherence of programmes, assessment of the extent to which the expected objectives can be realistically achieved with the financial resources allocated to the different measures within each axis, analysis of the effects of the programme on the environment by applying Strategic Environmental Assessment) and whether the rural development programme 2007-2013 in Cyprus is in line with CAP.

Assessment of expected impacts (assessment of the correct application of common baseline indicators as well as the usefulness of programme-specific baseline indicators reflecting programme-specific objectives and expected impacts of measures against baselines and verification of the functioning of collection mechanisms).

Assessment of proposed implementation and management procedures, including monitoring, evaluation and financial management (assessment of the implementing provisions for managing, monitoring, and evaluating the programme, analysis of difficulties in implementation and critical incidents, assessment of the quality and the extent of partnership arrangements) and assessment whether the programme management is in line with the requirements set for EU co-financed programmes.

Donor Agency



Project TA Value


Ministry of Environment Agriculture and Natural Resources

Cypriot Farmers

mEuro 22.000

Address & Contact info

40, Vatatzi str,

Athens, Greece 


Tel +30 210 7475 950

Email central@vakakis.gr



agriculture development feasibility phil-eco-culture project management