Feasibility study for small and medium sized irrigation schemes in the Ouj Wilaya region

Project Title



Feasibility study for small and medium sized irrigation schemes in the Oujda Wilaya region



Feasibility study for a project to improve agricultural production by rehabilitating a number of small and medium sized irrigation schemes. The study was part of the national irrigation programme (NIP) and a component of the national programme for the development of the Northern Provinces. The feasibility study for each irrigation scheme included a diagnosis of the existing situation, soil studies, a socio-economic appraisal, an identification of the current status of agriculture, an evaluation of water management practices, the evaluation of existing irrigation infrastructures. The study also included an environmental impact assessment, planning of preliminary rehabilitation schemes and finally, a report on the project�s overall feasibility. (In association with EWI-Maroc)

Donor Agency



Project TA Value


Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation

Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation

Euro 0.32

Address & Contact info

40, Vatatzi str,

Athens, Greece 


Tel +30 210 7475 950

Email central@vakakis.gr



agriculture development feasibility phil-eco-culture project management