The objective of the Project is to provide training to the Ministries of Agriculture staff, both at Senior and Junior levels in Strategic Management, Human Resources Development and Agricultural Information Systems.
Strategic Management - Institutional Development
- Institutional Development Strategy (IDS) and Action Plan (AP) fully developed, approved by Ministries and updated in line with project experience by EoP;
- Ministry Task Force established in each entity to oversee implementation of IDS and AP, providing regular work plan updates and delegating tasks to staff.
Human Resources Development
- Natural Resource Coordination Units established in both Ministries, staffed by a cadre of Junior Officers (JO?s), trained and able to perform project programming and monitoring with EU Counterparts;
- Project Cycle Management training providing to all staff and Junior Officers of the Ministry of Agriculture;
- Continuous Professional Development Programme designed and accepted by both Ministries including capacity to develop individual training programmes and undertake regular performance monitoring reviews of Ministry staff by EoP.
New Systems Development
- MIS established and operational, including simple central database accessible through Ministry intranet and providing regular bulletins on sector performance and trends (based on existing data sources) by EoP;
- Ministry Websites adapted and developed to incorporate MIS outputs by EoP;
- Finance, control and audit system established in both Ministries, providing regular updated information on budget use and changes to senior managers to guide resource planning by EoP;
- Ministry staffed trained and capable of operating new MIS and FCA systems independently by EoP.
Detailed Budget plan for 2003 developed and approved by Ministries in both Entities including full justifications for reallocations and/or additional requests for funds supported by CBA (where possible) by end of month 14.