The purpose of the services provided by the Training Consultant is to contribute to the achievement of the overall objective of the Samsun Solid Waste Management Project, which is the implementation of an efficiently-organised system which is environmentally sound but also economically sustainable. The Training Consultant closely cooperates with the Implementation Consultant, who supervises in parallel the construction of a new landfill site, which fulfils all modern environmental standards. The task of the training consultant is to re-organize the collection and transportation system and to offer new, environmentally friendly services to the 400,000 inhabitants of Samsun.
One core element of the training consultant?s component is the design and implementation of 3 Pilot Projects: 1. Collection and Transportation of Household Waste 2. Waste Avoidance, Separate Collection and Recycling of Household Waste 3. Separate Collection of Hazardous Wastes from Households The three pilot projects are accompanied by several other complementary working packages such as the necessary PR and public awareness campaigns, the set-up of a comprehensive MIS for waste monitoring and planning or the development of disposal concepts for hazardous waste originating not from households but hospitals or factories.
Another core element is the establishment of a new administrative and legal body of the waste management system in Samsun. For doing so the duties and responsibilities between the Greater Municipality and the District Municipalities of Samsun have to be clarified and a new institution including all capacity building measures has to be set up. |