Capacity building to the Mongolian vegetable tanned yak leather cluster on bio-leather and bio-leather products

The SYL (Sustainable Yak Leather) project aims to support the Mongolian Vegetable Tanned Yak Leather Cluster in:
- reducing the environmental impact of production
- improving resource efficiency, and
- adopting circular economy practices, in order to allow its members’ integration into global greener value and supply chains.
Its target groups are members of the Vegetable Tanned Yak Leather Cluster, traders and merchants supplying yak hides, herders engaged in livestock (yak) production, and other leather MSMEs – MALI members.
The Contracting Authority of the project is the European Commission, in the context of SWITCH-Asia – Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production.
The project is designed to be completed in 48 months, with component phases being completed within this time. The total eligible costs are estimated at EUR 1,305,956.40.
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